When Digital Humani went live in 2019, there was only one way to integrate the RaaS (Reforestation as a Service) solution: by making an API call to various Digital Humani’s endpoints.

However, we soon realized that many organisations relied on e-commerce platforms that did not allow them to easily implement API calls. What these organisations needed were integrations to easily implement the RaaS solution. With the help of various community members (grateful for our team of genius geeks and developers - meet them here if you haven’t yet), we gradually made numerous integrations available.
Digital Humani’s integrations include Zapier, Magento, Shopify (via Zapier and Mesa) and the Microsoft Power Platform. As an example of the possibilities, the Zapier integration makes the automation of tree planting possible with Salesforce, Wix, Square, Hubspot, etc.
Hence this series of blog posts called “Know our integrations”, where we will present the various integrations offered by Digital Humani to automate tree planting.
The details of the available integrations and SDKs (Software Development Kits) are available in the Integration page.